EML to Hotmail Importer for Mac

EML to Hotmail Importer for Mac is the perfect tool for importing EML files to Hotmail account. There are only three main steps in the import process – locate EML files, set destination path and hit the upload button.

You just need to follow these simplified steps to get EML files imported in Gmail account.

  • The first step is to get Mailvita EML to Hotmail Importer for Mac and install it on any Mac version.

Selection of required EML files – In this step, you will get two radio buttons for selecting EML files or folders.

  • Introduce Hotmail login details – Introduce Hotmail When you open the software, you first need to login Hotmail account. Provide username and password of your Hotmail account and hit authenticate the user. The software displays a message ‘authenticated successfully’.
  • Selection of EML files – With the Browse button, select required EML/EMLX files from your system location. Moreover, for loading EML files, you will get two radio buttons –
    • Directory mode – This will allow you to load folders containing multiple EML files.
    • File mode – With file mode, you are free to locate some particular EML files to import in Hotmail account.
  • Broadcasting of loaded EML files – You can get an easy preview of loaded EML/EMLX files before you import them to Hotmail account. Moreover, you can get the information how many files are going to import to Hotmail account.
  • Set location for saving results – Now, you need to specify a location in Hotmail account where you want to save EML files. You can save EML files in any folders of Hotmail account like inbox, drafts, sent, outbox and many other.
    • Option to save EML files in the new folder – If you want to save EML files separately, you can create a new folder in Hotmail account to save these files.

  • The last option is to click on ‘start uploading’ button and after this, the import process begins and it will complete within few minutes.

Note: Kindly note that if you are using the demo version of EML to Hotmail Importer for Mac, you will find only 10 EML files import to Hotmail account.